All pictures above were taken in Nepal, except for the one of the monk in yellow at the Thai water festival in Hawaii.
I hope you enjoy the reality that religion is prevalent all over the world. That people were designed to worship, and all people do worship something - or someone. Please take a moment to reflect on what you believe and why you believe it.
Maybe the world could be a better place if we all learned to show respect, love, kindness, and compassion to one another. Love is a choice. We choose to love or not to love. Loving others takes time, energy and effort to put the other before yourself or sacrifice your wants/desires for the other person. Jesus taught about love. Jesus was love and his life was constantly showing people how to love others, unconditionally - whether a leper, a blind man, prostitute or a tax collector - Jesus loves all people and wanted to see them healed and restored to better living...a life full of love and acceptance! well, through these pictures of idols and temple worship, i do not see the idols loving back, or showing us how to live, as they are mere creations from man, mere clay, wood and stone. i know there is a living God and his name is Jesus!